Hello David,

David Given wrote:
Since about ed 1.11, the ACK fails to build because some of the ed scripts
won't run any more. Here is an example of one:

echo "/* this part is generated from $1 at: " `date` "*/"
ed -s $1<<'EOI'

I can't find the problem without a sample of the file processed by this script. I suggest you to add a --verbose option to the invocation of ed above in order to get a diagnostic beyond the '?' shown by ed by default:

ed -v -s $1 <<'EOI'

After this change I get this result (using a random text file):
$ ./make.em.gen.new tmp.txt ; echo $?
/* this part is generated from tmp.txt at:  Tue May 22 17:35:13 CEST 2018 */
script, line 3: No match

Does anyone know what's happening here, and if there's a way to persuade ed
to quit with an exit status of 0? (I'd rather not discard ed's exit status
as that would hide processing errors in the scripts.)

You may try adding -l to the invocation of ed:
     Don't exit with bad status if a command happens to "fail" (for
     example if a substitution command finds nothing to replace). This
     can be useful when 'ed' is invoked as the editor for crontab.

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