Some things, that must be improved in documentation (files "ed.1" and 
- add year of "ed" creation; expected text: "ed was created at ... year, at ... 
machine, at ... place, at ... company, for ...";
- describe meaning of word "ed"; "editor"?
- commands structure is not correct; may be correct structure is "[WHITESPACE] 
- describe, that prompt string "ed" will use, if run without "--prompt" option; 
"*"? expected text: "default prompt is ...";
- what is meaning ot phrase "prompt toggle"? switch between default value "*" 
and value from "--prompt" option?
- what is verbose mode? expected text: "if verbose mode enabled, 'ed' will ...";
- can not understood meaning of following sentence: "In a semicolon-delimited 
range, the current address ('.') is set to the first address before the second 
address is calculated. This feature can be used to set the starting line for 
searches."; need examples;
- what is "lower case letter from the portable character set"? is letters from 
"a" to "z"?
- difference between "[.COL-ELM.]" and "[=COL-ELM=]"? list of valid values for 
- text: "expression 'a+' is shorthand for 'aa*'"; need replace "'a+'" on 
- how many addresses each command need? add number of addresses in description 
of each command;
- in descriptions of commands "e" and "q" warnings does not mentioned;
- inside "COMMAND-LIST" each command must be on separate line?
- can not understood meaning of following sentence: "'u' is its own inverse"; 
can undo only last command?
- "g" from "global"; "v" from ?
- add word "help" in description of command "h";
- in description of command "z": "scroll N lines ..."; you mean "print" instead 
of "scroll"?
- describe, how commands "s", "j", "d", "c" use cut buffer?
- can not understood meaning of following sentence: "'ed' processes FILE 
arguments for backslash escapes, i.e., in a filename, any character preceded by 
a backslash ('\') is interpreted literally."; describe in details, what 
processing was done?
- how to run "ed" in "text" mode? how to run "ed" in "binary" mode?
- can not understood meaning of following sentence: "Per line overhead: 2 
'pointer's, 1 'long int', and 1 'int'";
- unicode support missing?

"ed --version" print "GNU Ed 1.10 ...". Link to debian package: 

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