[This is the only edward-related announcement mail that will be
sent to this list; I truly hope it is interesting to GNU ed users]


I am happy to announce the first major release of "edward", a new
implementation of the ed text editor which can be extended with custom
commands through a plugin interface. The editor has been written from
scratch in the Scheme programming language and has been under active
development for two years. The 1.0.0 release should be compatible with
the POSIX ed(1) specification.

edward features:

    * Efficient and modular R7RS CHICKEN Scheme code base
    * Hygienic Scheme macros to define editor commands
    * Parser combinators for ed commands mandated by POSIX
    * A Scheme library for extending the editor with custom commands
    * Comprehensive API documentation for the library interface
    * Small editor core which should conform to POSIX.1-2008
    * Extensive test suite which performs conformance tests with GNU ed

You can find the edward source code at:


The API documentation for the library interface is available online:


Tarballs for the 1.0.0 release are available via:


The tarballs include vendored versions of all Scheme dependencies and
(assuming CHICKEN Scheme 5.3.0 is installed) allow for a straightforward
installation of edward using `make && sudo make install`.

Feel free to reach out, via e-mail or GitHub, if you encounter any
issues with edward (especially POSIX conformance issues) or have
any questions regarding the implementation.

Sören Tempel

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