Ah. My mistake. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Antonio Diaz Diaz <anto...@gnu.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 11:41 AM
To: Alexander Jones <happy5...@gmail.com>
Cc: Development Team <d...@roundtable-software.com>; Danie Theron - DSV 
<danie.the...@dsv.com>; bug-ed@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Bug introduced in ed v1.14 (up to v1.19) corrupting full file 
which delta changes are applied to

Alexander Jones wrote:
>>> "You are taking the deltas from the standard output of ed, which is for 
>>> human consumption, not to be used as output to be written to a file."
>> The deltas in question are generated with diff -e to produce the ed output.
> I think he meant the reconstructed files, after the deltas have been applied.

Exactly! :-)

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