
Andrew wrote:
> Antonio Diaz Diaz wrote:
> > > Regarding filenames, Unix allows nearly any character in
> > > a filename.  I'm curious what prompted you to handle control
> > > characters specially?
> > 
> > This defect report: https://www.austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=251
> > (Forbid newline, or even bytes 1 through 31 (inclusive), in
> > filenames)
> Oh, ha!  Forbid unprintable characters in Unix filenames?  Good luck
> with that!  It's like burying one's head in the sand rather than
> addressing a security issue head on.  Bad idea!

That defect report has good arguments against the change, e.g. by kre.
Implementing the policy in GNU ed does seems to be jumping the gun
a bit, as if there's a hunt for itches to scratch.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.

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