>> SOURCE arguments that are symbolic links to directories are a special case:
>> when such a SOURCE argument has a trailing slash, the directory
>> _referenced_ by the symbolic link is renamed
>In both cases above I don't think there is anything special about
>directories.  Everything is a file and all are the same.  [Except for
>symlinks which are different.]  If you where symlinked to a file it
>would be the same.  Therefore I would change "directory" to "file" or
>perhaps to "file/directory" to be more explicit that directories are
>files too.  It is really only symbolic links that are the special
>case.  It does not matter the type of the target of the link.

Oop.  But it does make no sense to put a / after a symbolic link to a file.
mv complains.  Is there anything that's not a directory that it makes sense
to put a slash after? ...

Maybe the sentence is better if we just don't mention the file type:

 SOURCE arguments that are symbolic links are a special case:
 when such a SOURCE argument has a trailing slash, the directory
 _referenced_ by the symbolic link is renamed

Come to think of it, softlinks to files are an argument (sic) for having a
--dereference argument.  (As long as you _have_ to dereference directories


May the Legos (TM) always be swept from your path in the night.

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