The following bash script running under a normal user (Debian Linux)
makes a lot of directory's on a ext2 file system. After it has stop, I
cannot remove them (as root). Now I know this, I think is is a security
risk because all users can stop my server. I don't know if this is a bug
in mkdir/rmdir. Perhaps I don't have the knowledge to solve this

Don't test this script in a root partition because I had to make a new
ext2 file system on my test partition.

while [ 1 ]
        mkdir testdir
        cd testdir
# end 

If it is a bug then this email is my first bug report. Actually I did
not discover this problem myself but a friend told me he had read this
in a document on the internet.

(writing English is difficult for me)
Met vriendelijke groeten,

Martin Rijgersberg

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