Hello again,

I intended to introduce the use of the posix_spawn to the findutils. The Threos OS ( https://threos.io ), as you might know, does not support fork, but it has posix_spawn. My plan is the following: I write the code that implement the process spawning with the posix_spawn, and then the only thing left to do is the integration.
Before I start to work on this, I have questions:
(1) Would you push the changes (after review, configuration, etc) to the mainline? I don't want to keep the changes as patch files forever, because the mainline may diverge. (2) Do you know any issue from the posix_spawn's perspective? For example, some nasty hackery here and there.

As a reference, the GNU make can already uses posix_spawn over fork, after I supplied the basic implementation (gathered all required information, and I put all together).


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