Follow-up Comment #14, bug #51151 (project findutils):

Due to the mail about this being closed, I found this item:

>> Consider the following command:
>>         echo bar | (echo foo | xargs --interactive grep)
>> What should grep's stdin be, /dev/tty or the stdout of "echo
>> bar"?  Is the answer different for other programs? Why? (I

I need to give an easy definite answer here:

The xargs invocation does not have *any* way to access
the stdout of “echo bar” at the point it’s being run
from the parent shell, and this is true for all programs.

This is just how a POSIX-ish shell works.

(Someone suggested a -Rn̲ option which can be used for
that. But as long as -o is supported my use case is fixed.)


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