Update of bug #62622 (project findutils):

                  Status:                    None => Confirmed              
             Assigned to:                    None => berny                  
                 Release:                    None => 4.9.0                  


Follow-up Comment #2:

Indeed, there seems to be some overflow bug in that heuristic which needs to
be fixed.

But a word about the reproducer.

> $ yes | xargs -ts $limit /bin/sh -c 'echo;echo "$(date +%s.%N): $#"' |

If the shell is invoked like that, then one has to pass something as the
script name $0 to it;
otherwise the shell would see the first argument as script name:

$ seq 3 | xargs sh -c 'echo "$0: $@"'         
1: 2 3

$ seq 3 | xargs sh -c 'echo "$0: $@"' myscript
myscript: 1 2 3


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