--host=i686-pc-linux-gnu   --target=v68000

GDB version 5.0 (although I also get the same result using gdb-4.17)

I am trying to use GDB as a debugging tool for a synthesizable 68000 core
I have written.  The core has JTAG based debugging access...

I have written a target module which creates the JTAG cable interface and
seems to be working...  I have written functions to fetch and store registers,
memory, breakpoints, break, step, run, etc.

This all seems to function correctly... ie.  I can use the target command
to point GDB to the V68000 JTAG interface...  I can also use the load command
to "load obj_file_name" and the JTAG interface writes memory with the 
appropriate .text and .data sections...

The object files are created by gcc 2.95.2  configured as a cross-compiler.
I have targeted elf formatted object files...

The problem I am having is with the "file" command...

I am assuming that this command is a superset of the load command, meant to
send the .text and .data sections to the target, but also load the symbol
table and other debugging information into GDB for symbolic debugging...

When I type "file hello" 

(hello is a linked object file which prints "Hello World")

it returns:

Reading symbols from hello... Dwarf Error: bad offset (0x1677c) in compilation unit 
header (offset 0x0 + 6).

It appears that GDB is having a problem reading the debugging info from the
object file...  I believe that it is all there... Using objdump to create
a list file shows the various sections, including the symbol table...

I've done a quick look through the code and don't know whether I should 
be trying to debug GDB or the object file...   Since objdump can read and
report the symbol table, etc. I'm assuming that the problem exists in

Any help would be appreciated...


Ed Hepler

Dr. Edward L. Hepler
  President,                     Adjunct Professor, 
  VLSI Concepts, Inc.            Villanova University Graduate Courses:
    VLSI and System                  ECE-8440 System Design and Modeling 
      Architecture, Design,          ECE-8445 Advanced Computer Architecture
      and CAD                        ECE-8460 VLSI Design
voice: (610) 408-9121
fax:   (610) 408-9121
www:   http://www.vlsi-concepts.com     Read: I Cor 8:6

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