Since gdb-5.0 (this didn't happen in gdb-4.18), I've found that if I step
upon entering a function, I'll eventually enter Letext.

That takes quite a few steps to get out of; fin doesn't work as expected
(it ends the function -- I assume there's just no frame pointer); next also
doesn't work as expect -- it has the very surprising behaviour of just
going to the next breakpoint (like continue).

I'm compiling programs using the released gcc-2.95.2 with `gcc -O2 -g -fPIC'
(actually, with `libtool gcc -O2 -g', configured to make shared objects) on
Solaris 2.6 / SPARC; and debugging using the released gdb-5.0.

I've noticed other weirdnesses with stepping but I can't recreate them in a
small example -- mostly, that step doesn't enter the function.  I assume
that's because of optimization, but I never noticed it with the old
gdb-4.18.  Unfortunately, I can't say anything more specific than this,
which I realize is a pretty useless bug report.

        -- Benoît

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