
First excuse my frog's english, i'm French.

I have a program made in C++ for the most part but with an interface in
C wich work with gtk.
When i use gdb with this program it tells me always the same thing (even
with a valid version compiled with -g and -ggdb options) :
(gdb) run >out.log 2>cerr.log
Starting program:
>out.log 2>cerr.log
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.
Program received signal ?, Unknown signal.
0x4036024a in sigsuspend () from /lib/libc.so.6
(gdb) whatis 0x4036024a
type = int
(gdb) print 0x4036024a
$1 = 1077281354
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x4036024a in sigsuspend () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x40235501 in __pthread_create_2_1 (thread=0xbffff874, attr=0x0,
    start_routine=0x8055450 <init_parser__FPv>, arg=0x0) at restart.h:32
#2  0x805548d in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff8c4) at main.c:62   

What is the problem ?
is gdb confused with my excentric C/C++ langage ?
Have I made a mistake ?

Thanks for helping me !

"Patricia, mon petit, je ne voudrais pas te paraître vieux jeu ni
encore moins grossier, l'homme de la pampa, parfois rude reste
toujours courtois, mais la vérité m'oblige à te le dire : Ton Antoine
commence à me les briser menu ! "  

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