I have just installed cygwin (from ftp.franken.de),
full, with the setup utility.

I have compiled the "hello,world!" application
and cannot have gdb debug it.

Q: how do I use gdb?

What I do is:


$ gdb hello

it opens a window with
>       0x40104c        <main>:         push   %ebp
>       0x40104d        <main+1>:               mov    %esp,%ebp
> -     0x40104f        <main+3>:               sub    $0x8,%esp
>       0x401052        <main+6>:               call   0x4010c0 <__main>
> -     0x401057        <main+11>:              add    $0xfffffff4,%esp
> -     0x40105a        <main+14>:              push   $0x401044
> -     0x40105f        <main+19>:              call   0x4010c8 <printf>
> -     0x401064        <main+24>:              add    $0x10,%esp
> -     0x401067        <main+27>:              xor    %eax,%eax
> -     0x401069        <main+29>:              jmp    0x401070 <main+36>
> -     0x40106b        <main+31>:              xor    %eax,%eax
> -     0x40106d        <main+33>:              jmp    0x401070 <main+36>
> -     0x40106f        <main+35>:              nop    
> -     0x401070        <main+36>:              mov    %ebp,%esp
> -     0x401072        <main+38>:              pop    %ebp
> -     0x401073        <main+39>:              ret    

and says in the status bar:
Program not running. Click on run icon to start.
The icons for Step, Next, Finish, Continue, Step asm, Next Asm
are all disabled.

I click on Run (I want to have a single step, but cannot).
I press "Run", the DOS console box opens, and I see the window:

! Program received signal ?, Unknown signal

[ ] Don't show this warning again


I press [OK] and see int the window where the disassembled code was:

Unable to Read Instructions at 0x77e2f4c7

That's all. I close gdb.

Please, help who can.

Regards, Michael

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