
I think i found a very strange problem/bug:

(using gdb version 4.16, 418 and to 5.0 configured for 'i586-pc-linux-gnu' an 

Here's an example: (The very important part is in Class.h)
use the following commands on the files enclosed at the end of this mail:

c++ -O2 lib.cpp -c
c++ -g -c cctest.cpp 
c++ -o ttt cctest.o lib.o

Execute binary 'ttt'. The output looks like this:
| 0x80485e0
| 0x8048660
| this is function no_problem
| this is function problem

now start gdb ('gdb ttt')
use the 'info line *' command on both of the addresses. The output looks like 

| (gdb) info line * 0x80485e0
| Line 6 of "cctest.cpp" starts at address 0x80485e0 <no_problem__Fv>
|    and ends at 0x80485e6 <no_problem__Fv+6>.

Everything's fine with this information

| (gdb) info line * 0x8048660
| Line 23 of "cctest.cpp" starts at address 0x8048652 <main+66>
|    and ends at 0x80486c0 <__tf4Test>.  

Oops: There is wrong line,file and symbol name information for the second 
try to step into the function 'problem'. 

without the keyword 'virtual' or/and without the function body of 
Test::cctest() everything's fine! What's wrong?

Best regards
Henning Moll

Here're the files:

---snip: cctest.cpp---
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Class.h"
#include "lib.h"

void no_problem()
         printf("this is function no_problem\n");

int main()
         printf("0x%x\n", &no_problem);  
         printf("0x%x\n", &problem);     

         /* try to step into these functions. no chance for func problem() */


         return 0;
}; //why does gdb show this line, when stepping into function 'problem' ????

---snip: lib.cpp---
#include <stdio.h>

void problem()
         printf("this is function problem\n");

---snip: lib.h ---
void problem();

---snip: Class.h---
class Test {
  virtual void cctest(){}; /* note: cctest is virtual AND has a function body 
!!!! That's a very important point ! */

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