Hi what happenned with thread from 2.2 to 2.4? I have some problems with threaded programs, working under 2.2 and no more under 2.4. I'm not sure this is gdb related.... The test program is short: ---- #include <stdlib.h> void main() { char *t="1.0"; double d=0; d=strtod(t,(char **)NULL); } --- this program compiled with "gcc -g -lpthread test.c" has strange behaviour. The problem only appear using gdb to see the value of d In most case, the value returned by strtod under a 2.4 kernel is nan. I say most, because some 2.4 kernels don't fail other this line. I have done some test with differents distributions, and so differents version of kernel, gcc, gdb and libc. http://manu.agat.net/bug.html
When it was possible, for the computer with the bug, under an 2.4 kernel, I've recompiled a 2.2.20, and the bug has disappeared! Does someone have an idea about that ? _______________________________________________ Bug-gdb mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-gdb