Title: Optin-Request-PLUS-FREE-Gift RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<[EMAIL PROTECTED], or someone using your email address have requested information about our free services, including your free gift of 200 to 500 leads daily to promote any product or program you are doing. Your submission must process through our verification system. Verification protects you from UCE, protects us from complaints and allows us to inform you of the multitude of free marketing services available as a member to our Optin list. This is a one time verification emailing. *********************************************************** To utilize this offer, please click on the following link. http://veremail.com/subscribe.cgi?ud=goldmine.oneop.com&[EMAIL PROTECTED] Or, return this email by simply replying. By doing so you are giving me permission to send you verified optin email. This message is an automated verification request from the Inetekk system and Al Koths. If you wish to block your email from receiving verifications: http://inetekk.com/block NOTE: There are no logs kept on submission verifications, because there are no lists. This submission came from IP address .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. c:/htdocs/wwcfa/letters/zivevxzuvoip5lv.txt -->

You, [EMAIL PROTECTED], or someone using your email address have requested information about our free services, including your free gift of 200 to 500 leads daily to promote any product or program you are doing.

Your submission must process through our verification system. Verification protects you from UCE, protects us from complaints and allows us to inform you of the multitude of free marketing services available to our Optin list.

This is a one time verification emailing.

Please allow at least 48 hours for your subscribe request to be processed.
To utilize this offer, you must add yourself to this list by either:
Submitting to the list by clicking the subscribe me button:


Hit reply to this message:

By doing so you are giving me permission to send you verified optin email. This message is an automated verification request from the Inetekk system and Al Koths
If you wish to block your email from receiving verifications: http://inetekk.com/block
NOTE: There are no logs kept on submission verifications, because there are no lists. This submission came from IP address

_______________________________________________ Bug-gdb mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-gdb

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