Ted Alves wrote:
> RE: Documentation: Debugging with GDB (
> Hi,
> how's it goin'? I'm trying to make a GDB init file work in windows...
> In section 2.1.3, regarding .gdbinit, it says that in Windows we should
> use the "standard name" which is ".gdbinit" (not gdb.ini -- which gdb
> actively rejects. Nor gdb.init, nor gdbinit)
> However, Windows (XP) doesn't allow any file named ".anything" and will
> not accept ".gdbinit" as a valid file.

Not really Windows that has the limitation.  It's Windows Explorer.

> Help. Maybe a bug. Maybe something simple. Hair is going. Could you pls.
> advise?

Try doing this in a Windows console (cmd.exe) as a workaround:

move mygdbini_file_I_can_create_in_explorer.ini .gdbinit

Pedro Alves

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