On Sunday 18 January 2009 11:25:59, rob1w...@aol.com wrote:
> > Did you consider fixing this, and posting a patch at gdb-patches@ ?
> Not for a moment. All my spare time is devoted to gcc, OpenSolaris and 
> a few other things ...
> There are other people better qualified than I am to ensure that GDB 
> and Binutils is fixed _CORRECTLY_ for
> the OpenSolaris Platform. I would not want to implement fixes to have 
> someone else come along and need
> to fix my fixes. These should be fixed by a better qualified person 
> than me.
> I only have 6 months experience with OpenSolaris and only needed to 
> build gdb to attempt to fix something
> else, not to adopt another GNU project to devote more time to. I 
> volunteer (way) over 10 hours a week to
> the GNU projects so I feel no guilt about not taking on any more work. 
> :) .

Hey, calm down, I wasn't asking you to become solaris
gdb maintainer. :-)  To fix this, all it takes it do something like
adjusting the affected functions to use char buffers and memcpy, instead
of playing tricks with pointers.  A bit of care has to be taken due to
the ifdefery in place, but nothing major.  You're in a good position to
fix it, because, well, you have the compiler handy.  If not taking care of it,
is there somewhere where I can download binaries of a recent enough
gcc that triggers those warnings?  A bugzilla PR with the warning/error log
would also be nice.

> I can enclose the screen output during the check I made
> a few days ago but I can not find the '.log' file. See enclosure.

It's build-dir/gdb/testsuite/gdb.log.  If you run a test with
something like:

make check RUNTESTFLAGS="--debug -v -v foo_test.exp"

you'll find much more debug info in a
build-dir/gdb/testsuite/dbg.log file.

Pedro Alves

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