Thank you for the information.

> Fifthly, run `gtags --gtagslabel=pygments` in this folder.
> (You maybe see the problem 2, Warning: 'Common-Lisp' parser not found.
> C parser is used instead.)

This did not reproduce.

> Last, you can run these commands I put in first email:
> `global -xs connect`
> `global -xs connect-a-and-b`

Here is the test result.

$ cat test.lisp
(defun connect-a-and-b ()
  (+ 1 2))
$ gtags --gtagslabel=pygments
$ global -xs connect
$ global -xs connect-a-and-b
$ global -x connect-a-and-b
connect-a-and-b     1 test.lisp        (defun connect-a-and-b ()
$ _

I think these are all right. What's wrong?

2020年4月22日(水) 10:33 ccQ <>:
> Thanks for your quick reply.
> Sure:
> Firstly, `brew install global`. Install Global by homebrew on macOS
> Secondly, `pip install -U Pygment`, install pygment.
> Thirdly, copy this file 
>  to `~/..globalrc`
> Fourthly, make a new folder and make a new .lisp code file, content is:
> ```lisp
> (defun connect-a-and-b ()
>   (+ 1 2))
> ```
> Fifthly, run `gtags --gtagslabel=pygments` in this folder. (You maybe see the 
> problem 2, Warning: 'Common-Lisp' parser not found. C parser is used instead.)
> Last, you can run these commands I put in first email:
> `global -xs connect`
> `global -xs connect-a-and-b`
> Thank you
> On Apr 21, 2020, 21:11 -0400, Shigio YAMAGUCHI <>, wrote:
> Hello,
> Could you please give me a reproduce method to understand the problem?
> Thanks,
> Shigio
> 2020年4月22日(水) 10:05 ccQ <>:
> + What is your environment (OS)?
> MacOS Catalina version 10.15.4
> + Which version of GLOBAL are you using?
> 6.6.4, from homebrew
> **First:**
> I am writing a function named `connect-a-and-b` in common lisp. Then use 
> global to generate tags files by `gtags --gtagslabel=pygments`. I use 
> pygments be my lexer, the `~/.globalrc` in my local looks like this one: 
> + What did you do? (command line)
> $ global -xs connect
> connect 1 test.lisp (defun connect-a-and-b ()
> $ global -xs connect-a-and-b
> #nothing
> + What did you expect from it?
> I expect second command should return result too.
> + What was occurred? (as is)
> At beginning I thought it might be lexer problem of pygments. Then I run its 
> code in my REPL and it lex `connect-a-and-b` correctly. Then I guess it might 
> be global’s issue or problem between pygments call global interface.I have 
> given issue on pygments GitHub.
> **Second:**
> When I run gtags, it always give me `Warning: ‘{some language}' parser not 
> found. C parser is used instead.`. However, I am pretty sure I write {some 
> language} parser link to pygment correctly in `~/.globalrc`.
> Best,
> Thank you
> --
> Shigio YAMAGUCHI <>
> PGP fingerprint:
> 26F6 31B4 3D62 4A92 7E6F 1C33 969C 3BE3 89DD A6EB

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