On 08.05.2006, at 18:48, Simon Waters wrote:

Stefan Frontzak wrote:

I tried to rename the array "history" and it works now, but i'm not sure
whether this was my mistake or something that should be fixed.

Looks like some sort of name space clash.

Can you confirm it worked on earlier version of Mac OS?


Can you send me a copy of;

/System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/PrivateHeaders/ppc/ cpu_capabilities.h

i can't find that file on my machine but i found this version

http://darwinsource.opendarwin.org/10.4.6.ppc/xnu-792.6.70/osfmk/ppc/ cpu_capabilities.h

which is maybe the right one. I tried to run gnuchess on another apple notebook and got the same errors there. The error did not occur when i started configure with --without- readline.

this is what i get when i do a
(gdb) info symbol history:

history in section LC_SEGMENT.__TEXT.__text of /usr/lib/libedit.2.dylib

libedit can be found at http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/ Current/libedit-5.1/

another gdb run:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x9675a5e8
0xffff862c in ___bzero () at /System/Library/Frameworks/ System.framework/PrivateHeaders/ppc/cpu_capabilities.h:187 187 /System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/PrivateHeaders/ ppc/cpu_capabilities.h: No such file or directory. in /System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/ PrivateHeaders/ppc/cpu_capabilities.h
(gdb) bt
#0 0xffff862c in ___bzero () at /System/Library/Frameworks/ System.framework/PrivateHeaders/ppc/cpu_capabilities.h:187
#1  0x00018aa8 in Iterate () at iterate.c:73
#2  0x00019f50 in main (argc=903568, argv=0xeace8) at main.c:446
(gdb) info symbol 0x9675a5e8
history in section LC_SEGMENT.__TEXT.__text of /usr/lib/libedit.2.dylib

does that help?

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