* Achim Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070704 08:15]:
> Frank Berger made an announcement at gammonu and bgonline.org that 
> someone made a simulation of 1000 25p matches with gnubg, snowie bgblitz
> and jellyfish. Results will be published today.
> I'm not sure whether he described correctly, how the gnubg setup setup
> was, but it might be that gnubg has used zadeh met as default.
> For this is the worst met of all - I estimated at least 2% worse than
> snowie met - my suggestion is to use either g11 or mec26 as default met.

Is it enough to change this line in matchequity.c?

pmd->mi.szFileName = BAD_CAST strdup ( "met/zadeh.xml" );



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