On 7/26/07, Massimiliano Maini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi again,
 > the rollouts don't work anymore. When you start a rollout, no matter
 > whether at command line or gui it finishes the rollouts at e.g. 0/648 or
 > -1/648 (command line). With the sources from 09.07. it's still ok, so I
 > assume there is something wrong in rollout.c. Christian?

Confirmed here under Win too.

BTW, the multi-thread code with Windows threads no longer compiles
(and the one with glib threads compiles but still crashes).



I know the source of both bugs. Achim's bug I can fix, but Max's bug
is a mingw specific one (at least cygwin and linux works). I still
hope that Jon will take a look at the windows thread code.

I'm not committing any changes before the weekend though, since I'm rather busy.



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