As owner and admin-c of I once in a while get request from
play65/ge and other companies. Usually I forward them to Oystein and
send a short comment that we are not interested.

Perhaps it's not unimportant to know, that years ago we agreed on a
small contract including a banner on the page. After one month they
didn't pay (using a lame excuse) and we stopped the whole thing.



* Michael Petch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080206 05:03]:
> Howdy all,
> Off the beaten path a bit - I wanted to finally address my pet peeve with
> GammonEmpire in reference to GnuBG. I have been known to give out the GnuBg
> url to people but I occasionally give it incorrectly as . What
> bugs me is that Gammonempire/Play65 etc are cybersquatting and attempting to
> profit from our products name and line their own pockets. Now maybe we are
> getting kickbacks or a percentage of their profits to further our
> development?
> Technically cybersquatting is illegal when it Is done so to generate
> revenue. You can't tell me GammonEmpire/Play65 just so happened to choose
> that domain for some other reason. Now before people say its an isolated
> incident, I also noticed that they also own . Here they rely on
> a common typo. How many more they have I don't know.
> Does this irk anyone else besides me?
> Michael Petch
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