One question I have, and it may have been related to the pango fix. Where
did you install Fink? Is it in a directory that happens to contain ".a"
(Without the quotes) somewhere in the path? I seem to recall now the pango
issue may have been because I was building into a path that has in
the middle of it (/Applications/ I think
there was a SED bug in a script that incorrectly transforms the ".a" in the
middle to something else (The intent was that they were trying to rename
some files with .a extensions to .la .

If you have installed fink into a place other than the default you could try
seeing what happens if you build using the default install paths.

On 4/6/08 7:38 PM, "Achim Mueller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This worked, thx a lot. But now to the next problem:
> There are two ways installing OSS on Leopard, fink (what I tried) and
> Macports. On fink I run into a problem with pangocairo.h. Unfortunately
> this file doesn't seem to be in any of the (fink) pango packages
> anymore.
> So I tried Macports, which is regarding to some reports in the internet,
> the better solution.
> I started compiling again, but now I get this error:

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