On 4/9/08 9:02 AM, "Massimiliano Maini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hmm, I'm lost ... let's try to narrow it down.
> At startup (before starting a session), where is the cube, right or left ?
> Right for me (playing clockwise).
> If you just switch the playing direction, does the cube change side ?
> Not for me ... 
> Same behavior with the exes on the gnubg.org site (20080319 timestamp)
> as well as with latest code.
> MaX. 

First I have gone into Gnu, selected ³Play Clockwise², saved settings.
Exited Gnu. When I launch Gnu the board is  playing clockwise (And the menu
item does show a checkmark beside ³Play Clockwise²). The cube initially is
³64² (Centered) on the right side of the board.

I then click the ³new² icon, select the ³$² icon, I click ³ok² to start. The
cube is still on the right (And shows 64 as it should).
I then hit ³Edit² icon, single click the cube on the right, click the value
³8² cube for player on bottom (as an example ­ but I tried all 3 ways
At this point my  8 cube is bottom right of the board. I then hit ³Edit²
icon to exit editing
I now go to menu and click ³Play Clockwise² so that I am not playing
counterclockwise (and the check disappears).
The table is flipped and the cube is now on the bottom left of the screen
I now click ³Edit² icon, single click the cube that is in bottom left, I get
the cube setting window,  and then I click cube ³4² for bottom player.
Cube is now in bottom left still and shows ³4². I hit ³edit² again to turn
off editing and play resumes normally.

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