* boomslang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080413 18:00]:
> Hi,
> I downloaded gnubg-0.16-devel-20080319-NOGLADE-setup.exe (23,437,895 bytes) 
> to my desktop PC and installed it on a memory stick (attached to the desktop 
> PC) to see if it would run on my dual core LAPTOP. That worked fine, so i 
> decided to install the file on my laptop in a folder 'c:\gnubgMT' (the file 
> was still on the memory stick). 
> Installation seemed to have worked, but when i remove the memory stick, the 
> installation will not run: it gives an error message like "Could not load 
> E:\gnubg\fanfare.wav" and then it crashes. So somehow it still wants to 
> access the memory stick (E:) for data.
> Uninstalling and re-intalling (WITHOUT the mem stick attached) gives the same 
> problem each and every time. I just cant seem to install it properly now.  
> (Something to do with the registry?)
> Laptop runs on Windows XP Professional version 2002 SP2.
> Greetings and keep up the good work, 

Look for c:\gnubgMT\.gnubgautorc, open it with an editor and replace the
paths E:\gnubg with your correct path.



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