On 5/13/08 9:12 PM, "Achim Mueller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Shouldn't it be fine to put all listed libraries of /opt/local into
> the package? Or does i also need some header files? I saw that you put
> some into the old gnubg.dmg.

If there was a header file in my gnubg.dmg package it was a mistake. It
shouldn't have been there :) (Human error).

Here is what I expect will happen. You will attempt to move those dynamic
link libraries into the Package. You can put them in there - but likely they
won' work.

The problem is that they must be extracted back out into the /opt directory.
I'm not aware that package tool you use will do that. If it does, you risk
obliterating any files that may already exist in /opt.

What I recommend Is this. Build up your package as you think it should work.
Then at a command line as ROOT issue this command:

mv /opt /opt.tmp

Now that the OPT directory has "disappeared", try installing your package,
and run GnuBG. Does Gnubg run correctly or does it fail with messages that
dynamic libraries can't be found?

When finished your test you can put things back the way they were with:

Mv /opt.tmp /opt

If it works, then can you make a copy of your DMG file  available (ftp
server or anywhere)  so I can take a look at it. I will take a look at it
and see if it works properly here (or whether there are any issues).


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