On 15/01/10 1:46 PM, "Louis Zulli" <zul...@lafayette.edu> wrote:

> This built a  32-bit binary --- gnubg: Mach-O executable i386. Sound works
> fine using the QuickTime framework.

As expected at present
> Haven't done much, but things seem pretty good. There is a problem with Full
> Screen mode, especially for 3d-board, but it seems to be related to Snow
> Leopard based on the Googling I did.

Interesting, 3d has given GnuBG grief in the past with 10.4 (but not related
to fullscreen)

> One positive---multithreading is now
> working as it should for me. With hyper-threading I have 16 logical cores, and
> when I set Eval Threads to 16 and rolled out a position, my CPU usage was
> 1600% (on Leopard it would never go above 200%). (It seems that multithreading
> not used during basic gameplay---is that correct?)

As I expected when this was first brought up, Leopard didn't have the proper
support for the i7 architecture. I suspected moving to Snow Leopard would
solve that (and appears it did).

> Don't know about the accuracy of the built-in speed estimate, but I got
> 158056064 static/evaluations/second.

I get whacked out numbers on Linux as well. That number seems ridiculously
high (I see similar high results on an older 8 core system running Debian
Lenny). I don't put any credence in the values It returns.

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