2011/8/16 boomslang <boomslang_f...@yahoo.co.uk>:
> Hi Frank,

> What exactly are the requirements to participate? What format will the 
> matches be and how much time does it take approximately? Are there any costs 
> involved?

I took part in 2002 and 2003 and it was as Mssimiliano said. We agreed
on a certain format and just started with two notebooks.

> Did anyone from the GNUbg team respond yet?

Actually I'm guilty having sent an e-mail to Frank regarding the
Computer Olympiade in Tilburg. It's only 2h away by car so I thought
it might be fun to play again. But after the case »Rybka« and the way
the ICGA handled it I decided not to participate.

Anyhow, four different bg programs should be great fun so feel free to join!



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