Michael Petch <mpe...@gnubg.org> writes:

> You can override this behaviour with a new --with option:

> --with-default-browser=program
>                           specify the program to open URLs:
>                           (default=xdg-open,
>                           or default=sensible-browser on Debian distros)

> To get the old behaviour of forcing the browser to be Firefox use:

> --with-default-browser=firefox

> If you don't specify a program and use it this way:

> --with-default-browser

> The configure process will look for these ways to launch a browser on
> the build machine in this order:

> sensible-browser, xdg-open, firefox . If none of these are found it will
> default back to xdg-open. If xdg-open isn't available, then launching
> the GNUBG manual and the help will not do anything.

Oh, wow, that's great.  Thank you!

Russ Allbery (r...@stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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