Version GNU backgammon 0.90.0 Aug 8 2011

via XQuartz 2.7.7 (xoorg-server 1.15.2) on MAC OSX 10.6.8

Analysis - grandmaster 3 ply

This a single game result (3 point) with extreme differences in move, cube and 
luck ratings.  I should have had a luck adjusted win!

Is this a known bug and / or is my software out of date?


Richard Beagley (tregurtha)
                                      tregurtha            tophat              
Chequer Play Statistics:                                                       
Total moves                            20                   19                 
Unforced moves                         17                   18                 
Unmarked moves                         19                   16                 
Moves marked doubtful                   1                    1                 
Moves marked bad                        0                    1                 
Moves marked very bad                   0                    1                 
Error total EMG (MWC)                      -0.114 ( -2.467%)      -0.617 ( 
Error rate mEMG (MWC)                      -6.7   ( -0.145%)     -34.3   ( 
Chequerplay rating                    Expert               Beginner            
Rolls marked very lucky                 0                    1                 
Rolls marked lucky                      0                    2                 
Rolls unmarked                         20                   16                 
Rolls marked unlucky                    0                    0                 
Rolls marked very unlucky               0                    0                 
Luck total EMG (MWC)                       -0.642 (-12.342%)      +1.791 
Luck rate mEMG (MWC)                      -32.1   ( -0.617%)     +94.3   ( 
Luck rating                           Bad dice, man!       Go to Las Vegas     
Cube Statistics:                                                               
Total cube decisions                   20                    4                 
Close or actual cube decisions          2                    1                 
Doubles                                 0                    1                 
Takes                                   1                    0                 
Passes                                  0                    0                 
Missed doubles below CP (EMG (MWC))     0                    0                 
Missed doubles above CP (EMG (MWC))     0                    0                 
Wrong doubles below DP (EMG (MWC))      0                    1 (-0.115 ( 
Wrong doubles above TG (EMG (MWC))      0                    0                 
Wrong takes (EMG (MWC))                 0                    0                 
Wrong passes (EMG (MWC))                0                    0                 
Error total EMG (MWC)                      -0.000 ( -0.000%)      -0.115 ( 
Error rate mEMG (MWC)                      -0.0   ( -0.000%)    -114.6   ( 
Cube decision rating                  Supernatural         Awful!              
Overall Statistics:                                                            
Error total EMG (MWC)                      -0.114 ( -2.467%)      -0.732 ( 
Error rate mEMG (MWC)                      -6.0   ( -0.130%)     -38.5   ( 
Snowie error rate                          -2.9   ( +0.000%)     -18.8   ( 
Overall rating                        Expert               Awful!              
Actual result                          -50.00%              +50.00%            
Luck adjusted result                    -1.95%               +1.95%            
Luck based FIBS rating diff.           -39.18                                  
Error based abs. FIBS rating          1933.6               1377.6              
Chequerplay errors rating loss         116.4                593.3              
Cube errors rating loss                  0.0                 79.1              
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