This is the most frustrating game!  Whenever I am winning, gnu
automatically starts hitting all my men all the time.  If I am losing
and waiting to get on the board, gnu manages to clear all its men so
that I can only get on at 4. Then, once I am on at 4 my rolls are
double ones or one and three or some other nonsense so that I
am guaranteed to lose.  Similarily, if I have gnu cornered it will roll
doubles so it will get clear across the board on to its own side. The
game is rigged to win. If I do win a game, and start another game it
starts again to hit all my men all the time. If it is a close match and
we are rolling to remove our men from the board, gnu is rolling doubles
continually until it is off the board.  

I don't know why I keep playing.  I do not want to win every game but I
certainly would expect a fair  chance.  Gnu does not offer that. 

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