I've just had a go at building using mingw/msys and was pleasantly
surprised that it worked pretty much out of the box.  Here are the
instructions in case anyone else is interested.
Anyone got any ideas about the couple of issues towards the bottom?


Download MSYS2 (x86_64 version) from https://msys2.github.io/
Install to c:\msys

run c:\msys\msys2_shell and update msys with:
    pacman -Syu

re-run msys2_shell (pacman -Syu should now say all up to date) get packages
    pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain mingw-w64-i686-gtk2
    pacman -S automake autoconf libtool pkg-config flex bison

Extract source from snapshot on website: to c:\msys\home\<username>
run c:\msys\mingw32.exe
change to source dir (cd gnubg - whatever you called it above):

Issue 1: mingw32-make.exe doesn't work as $(MAKE) resolves to make inside
the makefiles
Hack: copy mingw32-make to make
  cp /mingw32/bin/mingw32-make.exe /mingw32/bin/make.exe

  make install

Issue 2: running gnubg now gives errors about not finding bear off database
Hack: copy gnubg.exe to /share/gnubg folder and run from there...
    cp /mingw32/bin/gnubg.exe /mingw32/share/gnubg/

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