On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 06:35:08AM -0400, Tom Benoit wrote:
> This may just be me, but since about 2 weeks ago, the game frequently
> crashes.  It works fine and then the screen goes white and I have to shut
> it down.

Do you use the 2d or 3d view ? In either case, could you try the other 
one and see it it makes a difference ?

> I checked my graphics drivers and they are up to date.
> I do not have the issue with any other program.

The gnubg installation didn't change I suppose. Were there some kind of 
system update just before the problems started ? Such an update may have 
started to trigger a dormant issue in gnubg or the graphics libraries 
bundled with it.

Knowing this wouldn't really help, though. For now, your best chance 
is probably the 2d vs. 3d switch above.

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