On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 1:43 PM, Rambiz Khalili <ram...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am not sure if I am reporting a bug. However in the position
> with the roll of 54, if you look at "distribution of rolls" , 54 should be
> played 13-9 8-3 on any depth. But if you click on hint 13-9 8-3 is a big
> blunder!
How comes? Don't the "distribution of rolls" feature and "hint" use the
> same evaluation engine?
> I run the following version of gnu backgammon:
> Version GNU Backgammon 1.05.000-mingw 32-Bit 20150725

Same with  latest unofficial version:
1.05.003-RC1  Oct 26 2017

> Greetings
> Rambiz
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