On Mon, Jul 08, 2024 at 01:36:46PM +1200, Joseph Heled wrote:

> I see (in the article) GNUbg 2-ply: 33.24
> Is that what we are comparing to? 16.74 is half.
>  Are you saying GNU got that much better?

Yes, error rates are approximately halved:

chequer play cost  -44.50
cube play cost     -11.67

chequer play cost  -31.98
cube play cost      -8.58

2ply wc
chequer play cost  -16.74
cube play cost      -4.42

2ply supremo
chequer play cost  -16.11
cube play cost      -4.42

chequer play cost  -12.66
cube play cost      -3.80

chequer play cost   -9.29
cube play cost      -3.51

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