Eric Blake wrote:

> On 03/28/2010 08:54 AM, Jose E. Marchesi wrote:
>>>From 24ab183f237468f2aa59d2424dc416f61c183671 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
>> From: Jose E. Marchesi <>
>> Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 15:42:03 +0200
>> Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Macro _prohibit_regexp replaced by _sc_search_regep and 
>> rules adapted to use the new macro.
> Typo (s/regep/regexp/).  Also, that's an awfully long subject, which
> later shows up in 'git log --oneline'.  I would trim it to something
> like the following (one line summary, then further details separated by
> a blank line):
> maint: replace _prohibit_regexp with _sc_search_regexp
> All existing rules are adapted to use the new factorization, which
> provides a more declarative syntax for pattern searching syntax checks.
>>  # Don't use Texinfo @acronym{} as it is not a good idea.
>>  sc_texinfo_acronym:
>> -    @if $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | grep -lE '\.texi$$' >/dev/null; then    \
>> -            grep -nE '@acronym{'                                    \
>> -                    $$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | grep -E '\.texi$$') &&   \
>> -      { echo '$(ME): found use of Texinfo @acronym{}' 1>&2;         \
>> -        exit 1; } || :;                                             \
>> -    else :;                                                         \
>> -    fi
>> +    @prohibit='@acronym{'                                           \
>> +    in_vc_files='\.texi$$'                                          \
>> +    halt='found use of Texinfo @acronym{}'                          \
>> +      $(_sc_search_regexp)
> Jim mentioned that this rule should also look at *.txi and *.texinfo.
>>  # #if HAVE_... will evaluate to false for any non numeric string.
>>  # That would be flagged by using -Wundef, however gnulib currently
>>  # tests many undefined macros, and so we can't enable that option.
>>  # So at least preclude common boolean strings as macro values.
>>  sc_Wundef_boolean:
>> -    @test -e '$(CONFIG_INCLUDE)' &&                                 \
>> -       grep -Ei '^#define.*(yes|no|true|false)$$' '$(CONFIG_INCLUDE)' && \
>> -         { echo 'Use 0 or 1 for macro values' 1>&2; exit 1; } || :
>> +    @prohibit='^#define.*(yes|no|true|false)$$'                     \
>> +    in_vc_files='$(CONFIG_INCLUDE)'                                 \
>> +    halt='Use 0 or 1 for macro values'                              \
>> +      $(_sc_search_regexp)
> $(CONFIG_INCLUDE) is not a controlled file.  You need to use in_files
> instead.
> Thanks again for doing this nice factorization.

Good catch.
I've been testing this and will send feedback tomorrow.

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