Reuben Thomas wrote:
> It's all over my Lua. Really, it should only be checking the comments.
> Since most programs that know (roughly) what comments are seem to be
> either compilers, code line counters or syntax colorers, I'm not sure
> what accurate-ish tool one could use for this, but it seems a pity
> either to turn off this check by default, or on the other hand to emit
> false positives for Python, Lua &c. programs.
> I could imagine getting Emacs to provide only comments by loading a
> file and then scanning its text properties (at least for modes that
> use a standard face, like comment-face). I'm not sure whether that's
> ingenious or heinous.

Yeah, that's annoying.  I don't see a good solution.
You have to choose.  Maybe just exempt python and lua after
you browse through the result of a first check.

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