While compiling regex module one android I've discovered a problem that on other 32bit compiler is only a warning

in regcomp.c at 961

      dfa->word_char[0] = UINT64_C (0x03ff000000000000);
      dfa->word_char[1] = UINT64_C (0x07fffffe87fffffe);

the datatype is defined as unsigned long
but since the code is surrounded by an if


it's correct, but I think an ifdef may be used instead since BITSET_WORD_BITS is a define, it should be ok


Gianluigi Tiesi <sher...@netfarm.it>
EDP Project Leader
Netfarm S.r.l. - http://www.netfarm.it/
Free Software: http://oss.netfarm.it/

Q: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
A: Why is putting a reply at the top of the message frowned upon?

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