
I would like to report about two (probably, self-connected) bugs in the
__typeof__ C function.
These bugs are reproduced when I am trying to compile a simple code with
XLC compiler on AIX 5.2. Please, look at the code snippets below.

1. typeof_example_1.c
long Func(int x) { return x; }
int main()
    int y, z = 1;
    y = (__typeof__(Func(z)))0;
    return 0;

cc_r typeof_example_1.c
"typeof_example_1.c", line 5.26: 1506-045 (S) Undeclared identifier z.

The 'z' variable is obviously defined, so "Undeclared identifier" message
is wrong.

2. typeof_example_2.c (fails on 64bit compilation only)
long Func(int x) { return x; }
int main()
    int y, z = 1;
    y = (__typeof__(Func((__typeof__(z))z)))0;
    return 0;

cc_r -q64 typeof_example_2.c
"typeof_example_2.c", line 5.21: 1506-343 (S) Redeclaration of Func differs
from previous declaration on line 1 of "typeof_example_2.c".
"typeof_example_2.c", line 5.21: 1506-050 (I) Return type "int" in
redeclaration is not compatible with the previous return type "long".

Here the compiler erroneously considers the line as a function declaration,
but is is a call and not a declaration. This works although for 32bit

Both code snippets work with GCC compiler in both 32-bit and 64bit modes.

What is interesting, we use cc_r, but not xlc binary in our build system
(it is probably due to historical reasons and persons who can answer me why
exactly cc_r have gone many years ago). But with xlc both code snippets
also fail, however with other error messages (no matter, 32 or 64bit).
xlc typeof_example_1.c
"typeof_example_1.c", line 5.30: 1506-275 (S) Unexpected text integer
constant encountered.
xlc typeof_example_2.c
"typeof_example_2.c", line 5.41: 1506-275 (S) Unexpected text z encountered.
"typeof_example_2.c", line 5.45: 1506-275 (S) Unexpected text integer
constant encountered.

uname -a
AIX pavo 2 5 00C9E74E4C00
which cc_r
which xlc
ls /usr/vac/bin/
CreateExportList  cc128             cc_r4             cleanpdf
xlc128            xlc_r4
c89               cc128_r           cc_r7             resetpdf
xlc128_r          xlc_r7
cc                cc_r              cforaixhelp       xlc

Use case:
These issues were discovered at attempt to build FreeType 2.7.0 with XLC
The link to the FreeType issue: http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?49448.
I have contacted FreeType developers and got a feedback that TYPEOF
implementation is taken from gnulib's intprops.h, that is why my question
is addressed to gnu.org mail list.
I do understand that the OS AIX 5.2 is legacy and the best way is to
migrate to a newer one, but we cannot do it right now because customers
request builds for this OS.
I would be happy if you could give some clue why __typeof__ works
completely differently for XLC.

Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,
Alexander Samoilov,
Build & Integration Ingenieur,
Compart AG (Böblingen, Germany)

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