Hello everyone!

After a small break for a week, I continue rewriting gnulib-tool in Python. 
Right now I'm on the track to implement functions related to adding and 
updating the files (possibly via patching). I see a big amount of code 
regarding --symlink and --hardlink; do these options have use except of 
speeding up the gnulib-tool? I mean, are these options used in practice? If 
not, dropping them could simplify the code a little bit as well as the future 
maintenance. The potential speed-up that gnulib-tool.py could have gained with 
these options seems to be marginal.

If these options do have a large use, I will surely implement them, though I 
must really think a lot how to integrate them in a better way. I'd be very 
grateful for your feedback.

With best regards,
Dmitry Selyutin

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