Hi Tim,

> > The way to determine the answer is:
> > 1. Create a test dir of all gnulib modules.
> > 2. Configure it with --config-cache.
> > 3. Configure it with --config-cache and your sanitizer options.
> > 4. Compare the generated config.cache and config.status files.
> I am short on time and would like to prevent being distracted too much

Everyone here is probably in the same situation...

> If you could give me a quick instruction on how to do 1.

I typically use this command:

  rm -rf ../testdir-all; ./gnulib-tool --create-testdir --dir=../testdir-all 

> I'll happily
> go for steps 2-4. I already have a fresh cloned gnulib locally.

Thanks! We can then go through the findings one by one.


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