Paul Eggert wrote:
> > On Linux, the kernel allows the stack to grow by any amount, if it does not
> > become closer than 1 MB to another VMA and does not violate the set limits.
> > See linux/mm/mmap.c:expand_downwards and linux/mm/mmap.c:acct_stack_growth.
> > Therefore on Linux, there is no need for a guard page and no need for
> > 'gcc -fstack-clash-protection'.
> There's still a need, if a function declares a large local variable, as the 
> stack pointer can jump around the 1 MB barrier and trash other storage. If I 
> compile the attached program with 'gcc -m32 -O2 stackish.c' on Fedora 31 
> x86-64, 
> the program exits with status 255 (instead of crashing with a stack overflow 
> as 
> it should), because the stack has overflowed and has stomped on the heap. So 
> stack overflow checking is not "just working", at least for this particular 
> case.

Oh, I see: your program is not getting near the heap with the stack, it is
getting directly *into* the heap (because it fills the bottom of array 'b'
without having filled the rest of 'b' first).

gcc -fstack-clash-protection -m32 -O2 stackish.c fixes this issue.

So, you want 'gcc -fstack-clash-protection' [1] to become enabled by default?
Some distros are doing this already:
  - Ubuntu 20.04 [2] (also -fstack-clash-protection is part of the default
    gcc flags for users),
  - RHEL 8 [1] (but apparently not by default for user-compiled programs),
and the Firefox people are considering it [3].


        .file   "stackish.c"
        .p2align 4
        .globl  growby
        .type   growby, @function
        pushq   %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        .cfi_offset 6, -16
        movslq  %edi, %rdi
        addq    $15, %rdi
        movq    %rsp, %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
        subq    $16, %rsp
        movq    %fs:40, %rax
        movq    %rax, -8(%rbp)
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        movq    %rsp, %rdx
        movq    %rdi, %rax
        andq    $-4096, %rdi
        subq    %rdi, %rdx
        andq    $-16, %rax
        cmpq    %rdx, %rsp
        je      .L3
        subq    $4096, %rsp
        orq     $0, 4088(%rsp)
        cmpq    %rdx, %rsp
        jne     .L14
        andl    $4095, %eax
        subq    %rax, %rsp
        testq   %rax, %rax
        jne     .L15
        movl    %esi, %r8d
        movq    %rsp, %rcx
        addl    $256, %r8d
        js      .L5
        movl    %r8d, %edi
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        .p2align 4,,10
        .p2align 3
        movq    %rax, %rdx
        movb    %al, (%rcx,%rax)
        addq    $1, %rax
        cmpq    %rdx, %rdi
        jne     .L6
        movslq  %esi, %rsi
        movslq  %r8d, %r8
        movsbl  (%rcx,%rsi), %eax
        movsbl  (%rcx,%r8), %edx
        subl    %edx, %eax
        movq    -8(%rbp), %rsi
        xorq    %fs:40, %rsi
        jne     .L16
        .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
        .p2align 4,,10
        .p2align 3
        orq     $0, -8(%rsp,%rax)
        jmp     .L4
        call    __stack_chk_fail@PLT
        .size   growby, .-growby
        .section        .text.startup,"ax",@progbits
        .p2align 4
        .globl  main
        .type   main, @function
        pushq   %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        .cfi_offset 6, -16
        movl    $1, %esi
        movq    %rsp, %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
        pushq   %r12
        .cfi_offset 12, -24
        leal    1073741824(%rdi), %r12d
        pushq   %rbx
        .cfi_offset 3, -32
        movl    %edi, %ebx
        movslq  %r12d, %rdi
        subq    $16, %rsp
        movq    %fs:40, %rax
        movq    %rax, -24(%rbp)
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        call    calloc@PLT
        movl    %r12d, %edx
        movq    %rsp, %rdi
        shrl    $31, %edx
        movq    %rax, %rcx
        movq    %rax, -32(%rbp)
        leaq    -32(%rbp), %rax
        addl    %r12d, %edx
        sarl    %edx
        movslq  %edx, %rdx
        addq    %rcx, %rdx
        movq    %rsp, %rcx
        subq    %rdx, %rax
        addq    $15, %rax
        movq    %rax, %rdx
        andq    $-4096, %rax
        subq    %rax, %rcx
        andq    $-16, %rdx
        movq    %rcx, %rax
        cmpq    %rax, %rsp
        je      .L19
        subq    $4096, %rsp
        orq     $0, 4088(%rsp)
        cmpq    %rax, %rsp
        jne     .L32
        andl    $4095, %edx
        subq    %rdx, %rsp
        testq   %rdx, %rdx
        jne     .L33
        movl    %ebx, %r8d
        movq    %rsp, %rcx
        addl    $256, %r8d
        js      .L21
        movl    %r8d, %esi
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        .p2align 4,,10
        .p2align 3
        movq    %rax, %rdx
        movb    %al, (%rcx,%rax)
        addq    $1, %rax
        cmpq    %rdx, %rsi
        jne     .L22
        movslq  %ebx, %rax
        movslq  %r8d, %r8
        movsbl  (%rcx,%rax), %eax
        movsbl  (%rcx,%r8), %edx
        movq    %rdi, %rsp
        subl    %edx, %eax
        testl   %r12d, %r12d
        jle     .L17
        leal    1073741823(%rbx), %r8d
        xorl    %ecx, %ecx
        .p2align 4,,10
        .p2align 3
        movq    -32(%rbp), %rsi
        addq    %rcx, %rsi
        movsbl  (%rsi), %edx
        leal    1(%rdx), %edi
        orl     %edx, %eax
        movq    %rcx, %rdx
        addq    $1, %rcx
        movb    %dil, (%rsi)
        cmpq    %rdx, %r8
        jne     .L24
        movq    -24(%rbp), %rbx
        xorq    %fs:40, %rbx
        jne     .L34
        leaq    -16(%rbp), %rsp
        popq    %rbx
        popq    %r12
        popq    %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
        orq     $0, -8(%rsp,%rdx)
        jmp     .L20
        call    __stack_chk_fail@PLT
        .size   main, .-main
        .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2) 9.3.0"
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
        .align 8
        .long    1f - 0f
        .long    4f - 1f
        .long    5
        .string  "GNU"
        .align 8
        .long    0xc0000002
        .long    3f - 2f
        .long    0x3
        .align 8

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