Am So., 11. Okt. 2020 um 12:54 Uhr schrieb Bruno Haible <>:

> > The bigger problem is that it mustn't make the code slower for the
> > 99,99999% of the use cases where there is either enough memory or
> > calling xalloc_die is the only reasonable action.
> OK. When we add hamt as a possible implementation for gl_set and gl_map, we
> could document that out-of-memory handling must be done
>   - either through xalloc_die(),
>   - or by defining xmalloc and xrealloc [this is what Emacs does],
> unlike for the other implementations.

I am not so convinced of whether it makes sense to create a
gl_set/gl_map frontend for this hamt implementation. It is optimized
for the persistence (otherwise, use ordinary hash tables), while the
gl_set/gl_map interface is for destructive updates.

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