Simon Josefsson wrote:
> Was anyone working on setting up CI/CD for gnulib on GitLab?
> I recall there was a private project for it, but I don't have access.
> Any reason for this?  I have become rather aquinted with GitLab CI/CD
> lately so it would be easy for me to setup something from scratch.

There's no point in duplicating the effort already done, and creating
confusion by having two different gnulib CIs on the same platform.


I have asked you twice [1][2] whether it's OK to make the project public.
I didn't receive an answer. When you introduced me to the project (on
the phone), you didn't mention a reason for keeping it private, as far
as I can remember. So, to fulfil the demands of Jim and Simon, I have
now made the project public. I hope that you will agree a posteriori.



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