Hi Marc,

> I'm using build-aux/prefix-gnulib-mk to rewrite the Gnulib Makefile
> fragment so that it can be included by a Makefile in a top-level directory.
> What I haven't managed to get working, though, is renaming the Gnulib lib/
> directory at the same time (by setting $source_base in bootstrap.conf).

I would try a local modification to the file
modules/non-recursive-gnulib-prefix-hack, line 18.

> The issue is possibly fixed just by replacing the string lib_ by %C% (see
> [1]).
> ...
> [1] https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/automake.html#Include

Interesting. This feature of Automake >= 1.14 (released in 2013) could indeed
simply the build-aux/prefix-gnulib-mk rewriting...


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