Collin Funk <> writes:

>> 'from __future__ import annotations', available since Python 3.7 [1],
>> allows older Pythons to ignore type-hint syntax sophistications brought
>> by newer Pythons.
>> So if Python 3.7 is acceptable as a minimum version (it seems available
>> in the distro releases you mention), you would be able to start using
>> this union syntax.
> I remember having to use the __future__ import. I guess I no longer
> have to now that Debian Stable has Python 3.11.
> Do you happen to know if 'from __future__ import annotations' allows
> for the use of 'TypeX | TypeY' union syntax with Python 3.7?

Yes, 'TypeX | TypeY' was what I was referring to above with "syntax
sophistications brought by newer Pythons".  Demonstration:

    Python 3.7.17+ (tags/3.7:0f56adb8d7, Mar  1 2024, 08:50:56) 
    [GCC 11.4.0] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> def foo(s: str | list[str]) -> str | list[str]:
    ...     return s
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable
    >>> from __future__ import annotations
    >>> def foo(s: str | list[str]) -> str | list[str]:
    ...     return s
    >>> foo("hello")

So Pythons ≥3.7 can import 'annotations' from '__future__', and that
lets them gloss over newer annotation constructs they do not understand…
unless we actively tries to evaluate them:

    >>> from typing import get_type_hints
    >>> get_type_hints(foo)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/home/legouguec/src/python/3.7/Lib/", line 1013, in 
        value = _eval_type(value, globalns, localns)
      File "/home/legouguec/src/python/3.7/Lib/", line 263, in 
        return t._evaluate(globalns, localns)
      File "/home/legouguec/src/python/3.7/Lib/", line 467, in 
        eval(self.__forward_code__, globalns, localns),
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable

>                                                              I was
> under the impression that it was added for 3.10 [1]. I think that for
> compatibility with older versions you could write:
>         def func(var) -> Union[int, str]:
> instead of:
>         def func(var) -> int | str

Right, that's another route you can go if (a) the linters you expect to
use run Pythons <3.10, so they are subject to the above caveat, and/or
(b) you expect to call typing.get_type_hints in your own scripts
(e.g. GDB's DAP server uses that to sanity-check client requests) and/or
(c) you (collective, as a project) find it more legible.

> [1]
> Thanks,
> Collin

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