Hi Collin,

> This patch seems correct to me and allows me to do this for the first
> time:
> $ env GNULIB_TOOL_IMPL=sh ./admin/merge-gnulib
> $ git add .
> $ rm -rf *
> $ git restore .
> $ env GNULIB_TOOL_IMPL=py ./admin/merge-gnulib
> $ git status
> On branch master
> Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
> Changes to be committed:
>   (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
>       modified:   lib/gnulib.mk.in
>       modified:   lib/mini-gmp.c
>       modified:   lib/stdlib.in.h
>       modified:   m4/stdlib_h.m4
> I would appreciate this patch being double checked though. The
> corresponding lines in gnulib-tool.sh are 2589-2633.

Three things seem odd here:

                if extra_files != [''] and extra_files:
                    if extra_files != ['']:
                if buildaux_files != ['']:

Why does [''] represent the empty set/list here? Is something wrong with the
function filter_filelist?

*          buildaux_files = ''.join(buildaux_files)

It does not seem useful to concatenate several file names without a separator
like a space.

*          buildaux_files = joinpath('$(top_srcdir)', auxdir, buildaux_files)

Prepending $(top_srcdir)/build-aux/ *after* having concatenated the file names?
I would have expected that the code prepends $(top_srcdir)/build-aux/ to each
file name, *before* combining the results to a single string.

Also, please apply these comment additions:

diff --git a/pygnulib/GLModuleSystem.py b/pygnulib/GLModuleSystem.py
index 654889d6f0..687af6f760 100644
--- a/pygnulib/GLModuleSystem.py
+++ b/pygnulib/GLModuleSystem.py
@@ -649,6 +649,8 @@ class GLModule(object):
         result = ''
         if 'makefile-unconditional' not in self.cache:
             if self.getName().endswith('-tests'):
+                # *-tests module live in tests/, not lib/.
+                # Synthesize an EXTRA_DIST augmentation.
                 files = self.getFiles()
                 extra_files = filter_filelist(constants.NL, files,
                                               'tests/', '', 'tests/', 
@@ -656,6 +658,7 @@ class GLModule(object):
                     result += 'EXTRA_DIST += %s' % ' '.join(extra_files)
                     result += constants.NL * 2
             else:  # if not tests module
+                # Synthesize an EXTRA_DIST augmentation.
                 snippet = self.getAutomakeSnippet_Conditional()
                 snippet = constants.combine_lines(snippet)
                 pattern = re.compile(r'^lib_SOURCES[\t ]*\+=[\t ]*(.*)$', 

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