Hi Collin,

> In main() of the Python version uses a mix of APP['name'] and
> hard-coded 'gnulib-tool' which is a bit strange.

The short program name is 'gnulib-tool'; the long program name is APP['name'].

They *should* be used as follows:
  * When the diagnostic is related to the command-line options,
    the long program name should be used.
    Rationale: If there is a problem with the command-line options,
    there is a certain probability that the cause is the version
    of gnulib-tool. The user may have used an older one, whereas they
    intended to use another one. That is, they picked one from the wrong
    directory, or a git submodule caused trouble. Omitting the directory
    would not helpful for the user's investigation.
  * Whereas when the diagnostic is related to files that are being processed,
    or to other exceptional situations while processing, the short program
    name should be used.
    Rationale: In this case, the directory from where gnulib-tool is run
    is most likely irrelevant; therefore let the diagnostic focus on what
    is relevant.

> In this example it uses APP['name'].
> /home/collin/.local/src/gnulib/gnulib-tool.py: *** invalid options for 
> --update mode
> Try 'gnulib-tool --help' for more information.
> /home/collin/.local/src/gnulib/gnulib-tool.py: *** Stop.

The use of the long program name here is intentional, as explained above.


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